
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Neither and Nor: Superheroic Advice

This story on Gawker.TV about real people who dress up like superheroes and fight crime is hilarious. Read it and chuckle away, but do not repeat the grammatical error in this sentence:
When it is revealed that Dark Guardian isn't actually a cop nor does he possess any sort of legal authority to tell the guy to move, things get kinddaaaa awkward.
Where does Gawker go wrong? The word "nor" is not preceded by "neither."

Quick rule:
  • Like love and marriage, neither and nor also go together like a horse and carriage. You generally can't have one without the other. 
  • Neither and nor should be parallel in the sentence; that is, if neither is followed by a verb, nor should also be followed by a verb. If neither is followed by a noun, then nor should be followed by a noun.
  • When it is revealed that Dark Guardian neither is a cop nor possesses any legal authority...
  • When it is revealed that Dark Guardian is neither a cop nor another legal authority...

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