
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Whose vs. Who's: Win with Good Grammar

Jason writes:
Hey Snarky,
Check out this headline from Bleacher Report. Epic grammar fail, eh?

Oy! Thanks for sending this in, Jason. It's a great example of how homophones are so often confused.

Where does Bleacher Report go wrong? Its headline confuses whose with who's.

Quick rules:
  • Whose is a possessive pronoun. Whose jacket are you wearing?
  • An apostrophe doesn't always show possession. Note that none of the possessive pronouns (my, your, his, her, its, our, their, whose) are spelled with an apostrophe.
  • Who's is a contraction of who is (or, less frequently, who has). The apostrophe takes the place of the letter 'i'. Who's wearing your jacket?

  • Oakland Raiders 2010: Who's Your Leader?


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